Sunday, March 8, 2015

Is life a test?

The idea that Life is a “test” is finally making more sense to me.

Life is not a test in the manner that you pass or fail like I was raised to believe.  If you spent a few seconds in all of eternity doing these things that someone said “god commanded,”then you would either go to heaven or hell.  Instead, life is a test in the sense that we experiment and find out what works and doesn't work for us individually and collectively.

I believe that physical form is emergent from prime consciousness and that the way that conscious essence can have experience is to “go through a fall” of sorts to become matter – or flesh – so that we can push through physicality and evolve various senses and levels of awareness that help us not only experience the physical dimension, but that can help us transcend it through evolved brain states to return to that limitless state of infinite possibility of prime consciousness.  We are the infinite experiencing itself through physicality and evolving brain states to catch up to the pure and divine understanding of spirit. 

When we are born, we have life experiences that take us away from the memories of who we really are and end up with conditioning, lies, and illusion, and these habits perpetuate through the chemistry of our brains.

Considering that we evolve in physicality to try to catch up with the transcendent and pure states of ourselves as experiments in “what works” instead of the more judgmental form of the word “test” makes it easier for me to be kinder to myself and others.  It allows me to realize that my own personal sloppiness and others has been just us trying to work things out in whatever we understood at the time.

Does this apply to the truly evil people?  The people who commit such acts of atrocity and laugh?  I would like to believe that it is a complicated set of situations that made them who they were.  It is then their responsibility, as we have our responsibility, to connect to our source and seek that which is healthy, affirming, gentle, and nurturing. 

For some of us it is easier than others.  Our brains are healthier than others.  Our social systems have been and are healthier than others.  We collectively, are working to discover what works better.  Better nutrition and whole foods, better communities, better rehabilitation in prisons.  These are all good for all of us.  However, it is not good for all of us to continue to perpetuate systems that promote greater opportunity and freedoms for the wealthy and less opportunity and freedoms for the poor.  I am not calling for socialism; I’m calling for justice in which those who work hard are rewarded.  Our current system of capitalism does not allow that when people are living on less than living wages having to do 2 part time jobs and not be home to positively influence any children.  We have more and more people brought in to the world uneducated, neglected, and bitter and full of low self-esteem.

I am optimistic that with social media we have expanded our levels of awareness and are realizing that this arrangement simply does not work.  I believe that we will find and make changes to produce a world culture where things will work better.  As ugly as it is, like an exploded boil full of pus and blood, I believe that we are seeing the true ugliness and that this will be the time to heal.

Blessed be