Saturday, June 13, 2015

Our fruits

Image result for fruit tree

As the juices of sap flow through the fibrous flesh of a tree, our own life force pushes through our tissues and bodies budding in to action, thought, and word. 

I have found in my personal journey that I have often confused the external behaviors with the internal source.  Although it is true that the physical gets manifested out from the work done on the inside; it is important to note that as we grow and change who we are from the inside, the harvested fruits and the spoiled fruits on the ground are results from a previous state of existence. 

Past behaviors, past relationships, and past experiences, although they leave a mark, do not change the life giving energy that can heal through bad seasons and produce new fresh and healthy fruits.

As we stand in vitality, we don’t have to mourn the dying fruit spoiled at our feet.  That is the past.  It is our inner light with which we create new life, manifest new behaviors, and new relationships.

Turning to the sunshine and shimmering in the fresh breeze, we can begin a new season seeding plump with new fruit.  Some may do well, some may do poorly, but it is a new season as we will have several.

Even when we are done with all of our seasons as that tree, spoiled or harvested fruits have seeded to new beginnings and new seasons.  Seeds that did not survive do not negate the source that produced them.  In the seeds that did survive, that vitality pushes on excitedly through new flesh.

Here’s to rejoicing together in new seasons!  Blessed BE.