Sunday, September 13, 2015

O Lighten Up

Sometimes the things you learn from a relationship are acquired best after the relationship has ended.

The process of separation is unique for everyone, and there are obvious questions we all ask when it is over.  I briefly list a few of the obvious ones and then address a question that I value.  Some obvious but useful questions are:

1.       What was my role in the health/sickness of the relationship?

2.       How can I learn and grow from that?

3.       What will I change for my next one?

4.       How do I define a healthy relationship?

5.       Am I secure in my own knowledge of self to know what my boundaries are and how to keep them safe and healthy while respecting my partners?

6.       Do I have enough love and respect of myself so as to not be needy and to be able to give love freely?

My question of the deepest value now is:
How do I view this person now?  Is it with compassion and love for them as a fellow traveler through life or do I have negative and constricting thoughts?  How am I managing my energy while remembering the relationship?

The reason this last question is so significant for me is because I have a spiritual practice of meditation for enlightenment.  Through the process of meditation I have become more aware of my brain tricks and subtle shifts of consciousness and fields of energy in myself.  It is so exciting because I can think or say or do something and if I feel my consciousness restrict or close in I am getting quicker feedback and this observation enables me to address what caused the constriction so I can clear it out.  I greet the negativity with compassion, understand it, see underneath it, and put it to peace.

The ex, then, becomes a spiritual barometer.  As the formerly wild ambivalent mood swings between love and hate have narrowed to be a simple clarity of what was, was, and is not meant to be, and was just a few seconds on this planet of learning experience, and is now in the past;  it frees the soul to shift, to house new thought forms, and to continue to shift consciousness forward.

So, what spiritual barometers do you have?  Let us lighten up.  Blessed BE.

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